Monday, October 31, 2011

be still + know

i have been working on art for the holidays. my next few posts will be sharing these new prints (they can all also be cards), which will be available in my shop ( xox

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

happy halloween time

the monsters looked so cute on our son's pj pants & so i was moved to try some on myself.

(i was going to post this on halloween, but realized if anyone wanted it as a card or print from my shop, i'd better add it nowwww! :) boo love! xox

Monday, October 24, 2011

dancing in the middle

she insisted on spilling out of me & being here with you. xox

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011


loving such glimpses..xox

(& also! i've been having trouble leaving comments on some blogs. i was told, for my own, to go to "settings"-"comments"-"comment form placement" & then change to "pop-up window" & that's seemed to help with people being more free to comment here. hope that helps!)

Monday, October 3, 2011

things i wonder

i saw this while running recently. it wasn't all the way light out & i almost ran into this cocoon. i saw myself in it, my bravest self, right away. how is it such little creatures can be such big teachers? sending out love to all your becomings xox