i wanted to share with each of you a peek at a page from my book in progress that i've been working on for a few years now! whew! it is filled with anonymous quotes from my therapy clients + accompanied by my narrative reflection + illustration. these pages are strung together in a way that tells a healing story. i long for the day to share the whole thing with the whole of you!! there is still a whole process ahead + timetimetime to wait...but i wanted to share what i've been up to with you! the type of my writing is small above + so i include it here as well:
"something deep to learn: my favorite p.o. box exists in my heart. i love to hear what piles in. i try to give special attention to messages i hear more than once. here's a few of my own lately. i want to write secret love notes + leave them in library books. make up lullabies + sing them into a little recorder. i want to keep telling strangers they are beautiful. + there exists this deep thing. i get into trouble as soon as i stop paying attention. such messages come in on peacock colored wings + are meant to be lived. we all feel it. how scary it is to stretch. to bare teeth + bones into our world. to be here fully."
+ one last lil' sharing with you today...
i love this song for all of us (xo):