Monday, January 30, 2012


she too dances in my shop as prints/cards if you'd like

sending out lovelovelove xo

(also! i'll be teaching an online course in february called "art affirmations for your whole self" through wish studios...creating artful affirmations for yourself from infancy forward...just click on the blue wish studio button to the right of this post to learn more!)

Monday, January 23, 2012

her hallways were daisies + breath, rainbows

it is always the best thing to surrender to our true nature, don't you think? what does yours look like? how can you embrace it in your hallways? lovelove to all these places.

etsy added w/love

Monday, January 16, 2012

such an arch

upon contemplation of the st. louis arch

(a commission piece)

... how i adore all that points us to possibility. xox

Monday, January 9, 2012

a friend found in a fox

inspired by visions from a brilliant life named emily...(she said she couldn't get the picture out of her mind of me running, w/red hair + red fox..bless her heart!)
etsy added w/love xo

Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new year

happy new year to each dear one of you.

etsy added (as cards) with love xox (