i ran my first race this weekend. a 10K. the preparation for it has been both difficult & invigorating. i love to run outside. especially in the early morning. the world here is then filled with bunnies + birds + pregnant quiet + starry skies turning sometimes into bright pink cover. aNd also roads going up up up at various turns. one morning i realized that is just the deal. & it was time for me to trust that there was a gift in the terrain. & that this was like all of my life. both beautiful & difficult. & i would keep running. & i would be strong. & how this is like all our lives. (etsy added w/love http://rachelawes.etsy.com/) xo**in it with you**ox, rachel
I'm so happy for you Rachel--what an inspiration!
congratulations! What an enthusiastic photograph, beautiful with this shadows, keep on running between the bunnies and the birds ;-)
Congrats RAchel! Love the photo and the hills illustration. What a great way to look at things :) Have a great week!
so glad you did it! xo
wow!!! I am so proud of you...and that gives me a little more motivational push! Wonderful job on finishing the 10k!
You are awesome :)
this is just the deal
...such a beautiful spirit
speaking into the pregnant quiet:)
oh rachel, well done you.
and thanks for sharing the
fresh ripe life
that ripples from your running.
LOVE your drawing
and those WORDS!!!
deep satisfied sigh.
love...so much love,
10k??? how amazing are you? i love running too, for those same reasons;
i always find there is so much happiness in your artwork Rachel, for me visiting your blog is just a bit like shopping at a happy store... what a wonderful way to start my week!
xo sandra
You are a superhero, Baby ! Congrats on living this day so beautifully well ! Run on !
Hooray for you! I ran through my twenties and loved it. Despite having every injury you could think of, I loved it. I worked up to running two half marathons. I even ran until I was six months pregnant! The best running? In my dreams...no pain...just running and running and running.
xo, Cheryl
What an awesome success! The image of you with arms wide open is so encouraging.
Go Rachel...keep strong!
i love the idea of running what we've been given! i hope you will always be able to run! congrats on completing your first race!
So true, so true--As always appreciate the way you put it: "run what we've been given"
Congratulations on running your terrain, your way, Rachel!
Congrats to you on your achievement. That art is perfect! Love the meaning(s).
Not only do you make beautiful art but now you inspire us to run and be healthier. Congratulations!!
here's to you you strong beautiful lady!!!
I'm celebrating with you, my friend! Congratulations! Your strength & your softness are such an inspiration.
So grateful for you,
What a terrific photo that is - you wonderful dear green lady - you look so happy and thrilled and good about yourself - wonderful, marvelous!!!!!
such wise insight and beautiful art
congratulations on your 10K!!
Congratulations to you! I'm celebrating right along with you! I loved the art and words within this post! Thank you for sharing it with us!
dear Rachel,
oh how i heart your posts, art, creations ...
hooray to you for this victory + thank you for generously sharing it with us!
this post touched me in the sweetest ways ... i, too, love to run outside, especially in the early morning with all that the world is filled with at that time ... and, your wisdom, yes - this is the deal + this is like all our lives.
WOOHHHOOOO! Congrats!!! It must have felt FANTASTIC to finish the race :)
Awesomeness Rachel, and what a great metaphor.
you inspire me with every step and every word....the simple truths are simply beautiful...
what a great realization!! beautiful!
Hi There!!! I've been so upside down since my move I have not stopped by your wonderful blog in so long, I missed you!! Congratulations on your run, and what a beautiful metaphor for life your have found there. Your description of running outside in the morning sounds so lovely it makes me want to take up running! xo
Congrats on attaining your goal. What an inspiration!
congrats. keep running.
Anybody tell you how fabulous and amazing you are lately?? I mean honestly, you lift me each and every time. Keeping mastering those hills. I wish you much success as you do. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me such healing words. I am on the mend and resting. Best to you with lots of love.
CONGRATULATIONS on running that 10K Rachel. Love your message today. Running beside you and will cheer you on through this life of ups and downs.
GOooooooooo Rachel!!!!
♥Lee Ann
you know I may just have to grab those running shoes and join you :) What a beautiful photo...love seeing you in all you strength :)xx
Congratulations on your first race! Truly inspiring. Love what you wrote: it was time for me to trust that there was a gift in the terrain.
Beautiful picture of you embracing the moment. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Dearest Rachel,
Your story is also one of today's Top Stories at Anita's Finding Inspiration Daily http://paper.li/anitabondi/inspirational. ►Here's also the archived link: http://paper.li/anitabondi/inspirational/2011/09/18.
Hope you're having a beautiful day ❤
you go girl! keep running & keep bein' strong!!
love your sweet artwork....always, always! xoxo
such a blessing to be able to run ..to have the time to yourself ... to weave it into your life ..your art!
Congratulations! I love that line, "We run what we've been given..." Amen, sister.
I love this lesson and this drawing and this post! I've been running more lately and also have some hills here and they are making me stronger too! I've been thinking about running my first race too! We'll see if I do it!
WooOOOOooHOOOooooOOO! <-- woohoo for hills.
I am so very, very impressed by you and so proud! You ROCK!
Dearest Rachel, I miss keeping up with you so much! I just ventured back over here and saw this...and want to send you wildflower baskets of congratulations. BEAUTIFUL, beautiful you.
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