i was interviewed saturday on the get real radio station 107.1 & listened to it later with my mom, who had missed it. i heard myself say "um" maybe a hundred times! oi! well...bless my 11 year old son who later told me that "um" is just thinking & there's nothing wrong with it. i'm working on taking that in.
Oh yes, I like that idea of an um being a pause for thought, a spot of thinking with sound attached. I umm and ahh my way through the day at times too... interviews and the like especially so.
I just love it when my son is kind to me. I find it hard to listen to myself. My voice always seems higher.
sending a soft gentle hug.
I listened last Saturday, and all I remember is goodness.
your 11 year old is so right!! what a tender heart he has!!!
happy happy wednesday! i love your blog by the way!
i prefer when people ummmmm in conversations with me rather than barrell their way through. i feel a lot of respect in the time they are taking to respond and contribute.
your art today is beautiful.
from the mouths of babes.
i LOVE the simple wisdom of children don't you?
"just thinking"
how wonderful!
how can i listen to your interview?
i am certain i would LOVE it.
you are such a sweet person.
i think i need to create a few soft balls of my own.
thanks for the gentle reminder.
uch, how much do I love your son! what a gem. Yes, those ums are just you thinking, even meditating...uuuuummmmmmm. cleansing breath. ;)
Just think how close um is to om! You were fabulous!
i just adore the figures that emerge from your intertwined shapes - they look like they are in a constant, fluid motion. congrats on the radio interview!
dear, dear women!...i find here so many soft balls to add to my own simmering soup...thank you so much!...reframing um to om, a soft gentle hug, affirmation of my son's kindness, ..& really truly ALL your words are a valentine. as for the request about how to listen to this radio interview, i'm about 35ish minutes into an hour long podcast, which can be found at http://mytalk1071.com/showpage.php?show=getreal & then go to the podcast list on the right side, then click hour 1 of the jan 23rd show. i believe that will lead you to the land of um/om!!
best brightest flowers to you all with love!
wow, gotta love your son---that's great!
I do it too. Um, I did a talk to an Art Guild and I practiced before hand and noticed I kept saying um, like a lot!
I love the positive take on it your son gave...so wise the young ones.
That is just darling! I did my first vlog and freaked when I heard how many times I said "um", then did my second one and replaced the "um" with "anyhow"! How annoying is THAT? You just have to go with it!
I found you through my lovely friend Chrissy.
visit if you get the chance, I'm having a little giveaway!
love all your drawings and positive thoughts very colourful and thanks for visiting my blog
Can your son come to my classes? :) Great words of wisdom.
beautiful art and story. i look forward to listening to your interview!
smiles to you,
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