here ends the again in april art pieces (all still available w/love through my shop hope you have had a beautiful april. xox
(+ congratulations to the dear winner of three cards from last week's posting:
kim mailhot of!)
let's all put on one of these super cute outfits, and then walk into one of those sweet little houses and have a fun chocolate party! your artwork brings such a smile to my face, rachel! xoxo
someone said to me years ago "all roads lead home" and it is so true! although at the time I was very lost literally driving home from someplace new. lol This made me smile today!
oh how I love these, especially the all roads lead me home beauty. touches my heart tender, it does. Nice to let them wash over me again. glad thanks, dear one:) -Jennifer
Congratulations to Kim for winning the cards...this art piece reminds me of my younger years playing paper doll by the hour...choosing what each would wear and dreaming of places they could go that I never would be able to go to. Through them my life was a fantasy.
Thank you for the pick me up...Sometimes when I come to your blog I smile..instantly I love the color the girls and how they make me feel... love your talent it brightens up my life..
oh how i made a mess of my comment...which should have been ABOVE, but was deleted on accident, not because it wasn't shouting praises to you dearest dear dear "deer".....
WOW! how your magical houses that rest on plots of flora and your colorful possibilites fit for a queen... ALWAYS seem to weave their way into my heart. each time to put pen to paper, you strike a cord within me my dear!
i am slipping into those crimson boots to dance a jig of gratitude for your BIG BIG heart and your beautiful affirmations that you share with the world.
LOVE houses in art!! and these are so cool with that wonderful message...and so true. P.S. We all had a great April here--the weather was excellent and our grandaughter was born!
thankYOU sweetness, oh EXUBERANT one! and your houses and words, YUP YUP YUP and yael has to fight me for the boots and green pants ya' know? ah well, we could trade off with them, while i wear the turquois shift. LOVE you to pieces! xo
Aren't we all going to look fabulous wearing those darling paper doll outfits and living in those dreamland houses? Loved reading everyone's comments and it's clear we all want to live where you do, wear what you do, see the world like you do. In heart-based technicolor. xoxo
These are SOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE!! I can't stand it! How wonderful. I love the girl and all the delicious outfits. and the little houses are adorable for sure. It's all so grand. I 'm still laughing about your son. I tell you there is a whole lot you can hide in an afro. he he he he he! Hugs and kisses and best wishes. V
let's all put on one of these super cute outfits, and then walk into one of those sweet little houses and have a fun chocolate party! your artwork brings such a smile to my face, rachel! xoxo
p.s. congrats to kim!! :))
someone said to me years ago "all roads lead home" and it is so true! although at the time I was very lost literally driving home from someplace new. lol This made me smile today!
I really do love the picture with the houses and the meaning you gave it!
And I would like the boots and the green pants!
Happy day Rachel! :-)
Two more thoughtful and lovely pieces from a thoughtful and lovely artist. Your phrases stay with me, Rachel. Always.
Thanks. xoxo
Love them both and love the paper doll and her outfits:O) As always your art brings a smile to my face:O) have a great day:O)
oh how I love these,
especially the all roads
lead me home beauty.
touches my heart tender,
it does.
Nice to let them wash over me
glad thanks, dear one:)
love your little "hometown" it looks so inviting...Who would not like to live there •*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*
This is what I would love to do -- try on all your delicious outfits and then try out the beds in each and every house. So very beautiful!
Sending you love and happiness. xo
I am always inspired by how sure you are in your SELF. You know? How comfortable in your own skin.
Congratulations to Kim for winning the cards...this art piece reminds me of my younger years playing paper doll by the hour...choosing what each would wear and dreaming of places they could go that I never would be able to go to. Through them my life was a fantasy.
good morning crazy talented, full of light girl!
You are simply the best!!!
I love your April showering of juicy, colorful, LOVE!
My favorite new thing?? SSHIRTS!!!
You all around BLOOM!!
Can't wait to see what MAY brings!
Soooooo gooooood <3
Thank you for the pick me up...Sometimes when I come to your blog I smile..instantly
I love the color the girls and how they make me feel...
love your talent it brightens up my life..
oh how i made a mess of my comment...which should have been ABOVE, but was deleted on accident, not because it wasn't shouting praises to you dearest dear dear "deer".....
how your magical houses that rest on plots of flora
your colorful possibilites fit for a queen...
seem to weave their way into my heart.
each time to put pen to paper,
you strike a cord within me my dear!
i am slipping into those crimson boots to dance a jig of gratitude for your BIG BIG heart and your beautiful affirmations that you share with the world.
blessed are we.
hand over heart,
as always
Yes April has flown right by and I hardly paid any attention. The cut out style you present does allow for playing with options.
radiant beautiful inspiring you....
love these sweet creations from your heart .... they always speak to mine.
you have such a way of seeing the world and expressing it so awesomely!!!
love to love you .... and i am SO putting on that sweet orange and gree "LOVE" shirt with some sassy dancey pants to match!!!
you shine
LOVE houses in art!! and these are so cool with that wonderful message...and so true.
P.S. We all had a great April here--the weather was excellent and our grandaughter was born!
thankYOU sweetness, oh EXUBERANT one! and your houses and words, YUP YUP YUP and yael has to fight me for the boots and green pants ya' know? ah well, we could trade off with them, while i wear the turquois shift. LOVE you to pieces! xo
Aren't we all going to look fabulous wearing those darling paper doll outfits and living in those dreamland houses? Loved reading everyone's comments and it's clear we all want to live where you do, wear what you do, see the world like you do. In heart-based technicolor. xoxo
what a wonderful send off for april. hello, may! cannot wait for what you have in store for us, rachel! xo
love these Rachel!
All so beautiful! I really really want all of her clothes :)
These are SOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE!! I can't stand it! How wonderful. I love the girl and all the delicious outfits. and the little houses are adorable for sure. It's all so grand. I 'm still laughing about your son. I tell you there is a whole lot you can hide in an afro. he he he he he! Hugs and kisses and best wishes.
Wonderful words and images Rachel, you're so talented!
They're sure to sell well! :)
Jess xx
loving that little row of houses...makes me dream of what's inside :)
have a wonderful weekend! xo
I don't think I ever saw the houses before and I LOVE it. I want to go there, you know. And live. with you. what do you say mama? xoxo
Your work is filled with so muh light and color. I adore it. B
I love this! I'm working on a piece myself that has paperdolls in it ... this is inspiring me to keep going with it :) xxoo
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