i interupt the regular scheduled programming of "again in april" to share a window from my weekend...a few sweet friends + i met at our local library to create + leave lil' love notes in books. it was soul-fun to select words that would travel to dear hearts + choose which books to place them into. so many genres to choose from + we did: childrens, cooking, health, poetry, etc. my favorite book i left one is was "are you there god? it's me, margaret." by judy blume (anyone remember that one?!)

Love! Come visit our library!
always + again: oh, how i heart your heart!
love this "window from [your] weekend."
sweetest springtime sprout-ing blessings to you this day + week,
yes, YOUR heart is ASTONISHING!
This is such a charming way to reach out to others! I work in my local library. I wonder if they would allow me to place some heartfelt messages in a few books? I'm going to ask - thank you for presenting this. xoxoxo Janet
Oh how I'd love to unknowingly pick up one of those book! I bet you guys had a blast hiding them in all those secret places :D
ohhhh, what pure awesomeness
to meet up at the library
and make the cards THERE!!!
never, ever thought of that;
so inspired!
another fresh face
for library love bombing:)
oh the possibilities......
and, yes, I so remember that book!
love to you
and your freshness,
one day i will turn to the future mr.faiza and say "your heart is astonishing"
and i will think of you and smile...
How wonderful.. I love it!
I often leave little notes or words of inspiration inside library books, but to meet up and do it in the library.. fabulous!
Much love to you.
What a lovely idea, it would be so uplifting to find one of these notes, I've never seen this before x
I love this !
I have left many a love note in books at the book store too. It feels like my rocks do - a little message from the Universe strat to someone's heart, love given freely, without expectations. Such a great thing to share with young people too!
Your heart is astonishing, Rachel !
Love and light to you !
oh how wonderful!
funny today i borrowed a book from the library and found a card in it, i wondered if they left it on purpose of forgot their book mark. I like it.
OH YAYYYYYYY!!!! Oh, how I LOVE this! They are sure to bring smiles to unsuspecting readers. Next up? Poetry on dollar bills. :)
Hugs and love to you. xo
You mentioned this idea ones and I found it sweet already then. Now you DID it - how wonderful! I imagine the surprise of the people in finding the little notes! And the children: look mommy look what I found in the book!
Nice gesture Rachel! :-)
Rachel...I almost wrote a similar post for my blog. I also leave notes in books at the library and other places...♥
i think i may take your lead and do this with my kids!!!
inspired by you my radiant dancey pants friend!!!
love you!!
That is such a brilliant idea! You are so right. Words are powerful, indeed. oxx
what a heartwarming idea ❤ you make the world better day by day :) hugs from conny
ooooh...how fun, how loving, cheering, positive-ing, ooooh! and how great to do it with a group of friends. your hearts must have felt like bursting on this day!!! xoxo
Your always so loving and joyful! Your heart shines through your art and blog so much, thank you for sharing! HUGE SMILE BACK AT YOU TOO!
Such a beautiful idea, and brilliantly executed.
Simply sweet! I can't say anything else. It's amazing! You share the most wonderful uplifting things. Thanks so much and sending you a world of hugs and a ton of best wishes.
Yes, it's good to take time out to share kind words with each other (and to enhance each message with personal artwork makes it even more special). Thanks for sharing your sweetness.
What a beautiful idea... People like you Rachel are just wonderful. I wish you lived next door.
Beautiful messages to leave and find.
some teenage self conscious girl is going to find your You are beautiful note and everything will change for her. because of you guys. incredible.
This is just pure sweetness. These little acts of love make such a difference.
Thank you for sharing this, Rachel. I'm inspired to go out & do the same.
Love to you, beautiful one.
love this so much!
OMG! That is the sweetest thing ever. I am so loving it. I am going to tell my step-daughter about this and see if she wants to visit our library with me. So sweet. Thank you for sharing this <3
what a groovy idea. I'm going to do this with my kids :)
you are an angel Rachel
I was so inspired by the meme of the girl who sews little love poetry labels into thrift store clothing, but knew i would not take the time to do it, this is great, I will take the time to do it :)))
thank you for the inspirations
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